Anti-Bully Links

None of the information presented here is intended as legal advice. Please consult an attorney if you feel that your employer is ignoring your report(s) of workplace bullying. While there are few, if any, legal remedies available at this time, an attorney may be able to advise you on your best course of action, including pursuing remedy under harassment and/or anti-discrimination laws. The information presented on this blog and the sites linked below are for informational purposes ONLY.

The Healthy Workplace Bill

Workplace Bullying Institute

Minding the Workplace

Bully Free at Work

WBI University

Bullying UK

4 comments on “Anti-Bully Links

  1. Pingback: Need Help? « Minding the Workplace « Stop Workplace Bullies…Now!


    I had been a contractor working for a famous vaccine manufacturer. My previous boss told me several times you could leave the company but you could not work for the other departments. When he new I would terminate the contract with him, then would work for the other departments as a consultant; he asked me to extend the contract with him, I said no; then he conveyed negative comments toward me to the managers of the other department to block me working for the company. His comments are not the truth and he never told what I did wrong. Because he is a director, the people around me think if they use me, my previous boss will think they are against him. So I become the victim.
    I tried to talk with my previous boss and I tried to contact HR. When my boss talked with me he called HR ‘my people’. HR said this was not workplace harassment.
    Is this a workplace harassment? What is the difference of workplace harassment and bully boss?

  3. Thanks for the tweet on my new article “Adult Bullying in The Wake of The Tucson Shootings” @ I finally lost my job to a workplace serial bully boss, last May, after several years of bullying, from a job I loved and had held for over 30 years. After losing my job, I was then blindsided by several unrelated bullying experiences, outside the workplace. It seemed like I was running into “adult bullies” AKA “successful psychopaths” at every turn. These experiences left me unable to write anything decent for several months, the Tucson article being the first I published in quite awhile. I am starting a new website expanding on the workplace bullying and mobbing subject focusing in on “adult bullying” in general in the USA. My new website is @ – although there is not much there yet, I am feeling better and better everyday and I am sure the article ideas in my head, will soon be published there. Thanks again for the tweet and for all you do in the fight against workplace bullying and mobbing. Lets Recognize it, Name it and End BOTH Workplace Bullying and Mobbing and Adult Bullying in general in our day to day lives, together! ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

  4. Hello Drew

    I just found your site when I was looking for other organizations that are helping in the workplace bullying area. You have a lot of great information on your site and I like your no-nonsense way of dealing with life as stated on your “About Drew” section

    I run a site that is geared towards documenting bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace. My service is Free. As you know, documenting the events is extremely important if the target ever decides to pursue a formal complaint or seek legal options.

    I believe that your readers could benefit from my services. My site is essentially an online journal that allows people to record events and feelings in a secure and encrypted journal which can, if needed, be used in future legal proceedings. All notes are Timestamped and Digitally Signed allowing the owner of the notes to PROVE when they were written which is nearly impossible with paper or normal electronic files.

    We have accounts specifically designed to properly document Workplace Harassment.
    If you are interested or would like to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to contact me. It would be my pleasure to answer any questions you have.

    I think we would be an excellent additional to your “bullying links” page.
    NOTE: I am sure this forum is moderated, so I don’t expect this comment to actually be posted, but I was unable to find an email on your site to email you directly. 🙂


    Robert Merriott

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